////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Resources file, created with 17buddies php script!!! // // © Chapo 2005-2013 - Infos @ http://www.17buddies.net // // More than 85000 maps to download! // // // // Can you play all of our maps ?? Sure not!! // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Res file generated by Chapo for 17Buddies. // // Map Name : de_bruteforce_sector // // Download @: http://www.17buddies.net/17b2/View/Map/54241/de_bruteforce_sector.html // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Wad files legend: // * : Hardcoded in bsp file, this wad was found (in // archive or on 17Buddies's website) but doesn't // contains any used texture. // However, this file may be necessary. // ** : Hardcoded in bsp file, this wad could not be // found (neither in archive nor on 17Buddies's // website) and thus could not be analysed. // However, this file may be necessary. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // de_dustysector.wad (**) gfx/env/desup.tga gfx/env/desdn.tga gfx/env/deslf.tga gfx/env/desrt.tga gfx/env/desft.tga gfx/env/desbk.tga // models/player/gsg9/gsg9.mdl // models/player/guerilla/guerilla.mdl maps/de_bruteforce_sector.res